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Seamless Data Science Collaboration

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Detailed diffs for code, markdown, dataframes, JSON, text, and images

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Code Security

Notebooks are diffed entirely client-side, and never fetched by our servers.

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GitHub Syncing

Everything stays in sync with GitHub, including comments on code and markdown

How to get started

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What our users say

"With GitNotebooks our review time was cut in half, our team has accelerated analysis delivery, enhanced code quality, and reduced bottlenecks, allowing us to work more collaboratively and efficiently on analysis than ever before.”

Felicia K. Research Scientist at:

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Our AI team at Ecosia uses notebooks extensively for experimentation and collaboration. GitNotebooks has made a real difference by streamlining our review process and making sharing notebooks much easier. If your team is looking to improve how it works with notebooks, I’d strongly recommend GitNotebooks.

Dr. Michael M. Engineering Manager ML / AI at:

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"Before GitNotebooks, while updating .ipynb files, we had to manage multiple tabs and programs, making the process complicated, time-consuming and error prone. Now, GitNotebooks consolidates everything into one place, massively simplifying the workflow."

Pritesh T. Machine Learning Engineer at:

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